LegCo in support of more state scrutiny
Last night, Nelson MLC Meg Webb said the state was lagging behind the rest of the country on parliamentary oversight of COVID-19 policy.
“Tasmanians must have confidence in how and why decisions were, and continue to be made, which limit and restrict their day-to-day lives,” Ms Webb told the Upper House.
“I regard the establishment of a Joint Select Committee inquiry into Tasmania’s COVID-19 response and recovery to be an appropriate and necessary mechanism by which we elected representatives do our bit for the Tasmanian community.”
The call has been supported by Labor, the Greens and independent member for Clark Madeleine Ogilvie.
Premier Peter Gutwein told the Lower House earlier in the day there was no need for an inquiry and, in terms of scrutiny, he said: “We are not afraid of anything.”
“We have a premier who has fronted the media on 70 occasions,” he said.
“We have a Subordinate Legislation Committee inquiring into matters related to our response, and the premier and ministers are appearing.
“We have the Public Accounts Committee, which has laid out terms of reference and is able to range far and wide in our response, and that inquiry is underway.”
Ms Webb’s motion will now be sent to the Lower House for its consideration.
Jessica Howard the Mercury 4 June2020
More on Meg’s Motion to establish a Joint Select Committee to inquire into Tasmania’s COVID-19 response and recovery.
Recent media regarding Government Scrutiny
Read Meg’s Letter to the Premier regarding the establishment of a Joint Select Committee