Media Release: Experts Agree Tasmania needs a Human Rights Act

April 30, 2024

TLRI Reiterates Need for Tasmanian Human Rights Act:

Parliament should prioritise introduction of legislation

30 April 2024

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today welcomed the launch of the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute’s (TLRI) A Charter of Human Rights for Tasmania? Update Report, describing it as very timely with Parliament set to resume next month.

“The TLRI’s latest report is a welcome milestone in the push for comprehensive human rights protections in Tasmania,” Ms Webb said.

“This report reiterates the need for a Tasmanian Human Rights Act that protects human rights, develops a human rights culture across government, and frames parliamentary and community debate.

“Significantly, the TLRI’s report emphasises the need for an explicit right to adequate housing, and an explicit right to a healthy environment, amongst a range of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.

“Should the TLRI’s recommended Human Rights Act and Human Rights Commissioner, both be established, Tasmania’s human rights laws would lead the nation.

Ms Webb also reminded that the TLRI had originally recommended in 2007 a legislated Human Rights Charter, but that call had been ignored by successive governments.

“We were first told in 2007 by the TLRI experts that we need a Human Rights Act, and now 17 years later we are being told again the Tasmanian community should have their human rights protected under state legislation.

“How many more times do we need to hear this advice before we act?

“I urge my parliamentary colleagues to consider closely this report, and I call on the Rockliff government to prioritise the swift introduction of legislation which delivers on the TLRI’s recommendations.

“The ball is now in the Tasmanian Parliament’s court.  We cannot afford another 17 years of inaction,” Ms Webb said.

Ms Webb pointed out that the ACT introduced its Human Rights Act in 2004, Victoria introduced its state legislation in 2006, with Queensland joining them with its Act in 2019.

On the 31st of October 2022 the Legislative Council voted in support of a Motion moved by Ms Webb calling on the government to commence consultation on a state Human Rights Act.

A Charter of Human Rights for Tasmania? Update Report, April 2024 can be downloaded here, or  from the TLRI’s website: