Opinion – Pokies Policy Takes Tasmania in the Wrong Direction

Opinion – Pokies Policy Takes Tasmania in the Wrong Direction

Meg Webb MLC says Tasmanians will be harmed by the Government’s proposed approach to pokies. Tasmania has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make this state healthier, happier and better off by more effectively regulating poker machines.The Gutwein government...

Opinion – Once in 20 year Opportunity Poker Machine Reform

Opinion – Once in 20 year Opportunity Poker Machine Reform

Tasmania has a once-in-twenty years opportunity to reset its approach to poker machines and deliver a state that is healthier, happier and better off.  But there’s a history of the pokies industry dictating policy to serve its own vested interests, which is exactly...

Top law reform body set to review state’s privacy laws

Top law reform body set to review state’s privacy laws

Privacy review on cards THE state's peak law reform body intends to review Tasmania's privacy laws in light of rapid advances in technology since the legislation was last amended 16 years ago.The Tasmanian Law Reform Institute has accepted a request from independent...

MLC’s Vote on Tasmania’s Discrimination Laws Hailed

MLC’s Vote on Tasmania’s Discrimination Laws Hailed

The state government is facing renewed pressure to reject proposed federal religious freedom bills after a vote rejecting them in the Legislative Council. Members of the upper house voted nine to five in favour of a motion from independent member for Nelson Meg...

Huntingfield Land Supply Order

Huntingfield Land Supply Order

It’s always tricky when you are faced with the question, do the means justify the ends? As a new representative for the Kingborough community, I was faced with that question recently in relation to the rezoning of the Huntingfield land.Before entering politics, I...

Controversial Huntingfield rezone passes Parliament

Controversial Huntingfield rezone passes Parliament

The Huntingfield development moved to the next stage of progress when it passed through the Upper House on Tuesday, September 17 after over seven hours of debate among Legislative Council members.Minister for Housing Roger Jaensch said, “The Huntingfield site rezoning...

Opinion – Why we need a women’s lens on legislation

Opinion – Why we need a women’s lens on legislation

If you are in a car crash, did you know that you are more likely to die or be injured if you are a woman because safety testing is based on men’s bodies?Ever looked around an office and seen women with blankets while men wear short sleeves? A recent study revealed...

Meg Webb to run as independent for Nelson

Meg Webb to run as independent for Nelson

MEG Webb has said that a clear plan for the future, poker machine reform and transparency would be on the top of her agenda if elected to the Legislative Council in the seat of Nelson.A sixth generation Tasmanian with two decades worth of experience in the community...

Pokies policy out of touch with Tasmanians’ wishes

Pokies policy out of touch with Tasmanians’ wishes

WHEN government policy diverges significantly from community views, we are rightly prompted to ask why.It happened last week with the release of yet another poll showing Tasmanians want fewer or no poker machines.Every poll for more than 20 years has shown four in...



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