Missed Opportunity for Leadership on COVID-19 Oversight

June 4, 2020

Tasmania is set to remain the only Australian jurisdiction with restricted COVID-19 parliamentary oversight and community input opportunities, after moves to establish a Joint House inquiry was blocked by the State government today.

“Sadly, the leadership demonstrated by the Tasmanian government in response to COVID-19 has faltered at a vital moment,” Independent Member for Nelson, Meg Webb, said.

“Let’s be clear, today saw the Tasmanian government hide behind parliamentary procedure to thwart the will of the parliament as expressed by the overall majority vote 18 to 17.

“COVID-19 is described as introducing unprecedented times, and that is truly the case here, when we see the government of the day take the unprecedented move of rejecting such a request from the Legislative Council.”

On Wednesday evening, the Legislative Council voted to support the proposed inquiry seven to five. In the Lower House, the ALP, Greens and Independents all voted in support of the inquiry. This left the vote at 11-11, requiring the Speaker’s casting vote.

“This is a missed opportunity to seize the day and ensure a rigorous capture of government actions, outcomes and ramifications, good and bad, in real time for immediate evaluation and also for posterity,” Ms Webb said.

“The Premier loudly proclaims his government has been the most transparent during this unprecedented crisis, but unfathomably he has chosen to undermine his own track record by denying a majority of the Parliament to act upon its voted intent.

“To those who argue how much scrutiny is too much, I say the actual question which needs asking is how much transparency is too much?

“I thank the Upper and Lower House independents, Labor and Greens MPs who stood up for the community, stood up for the right for the Parliament to do its job, and who supported the proposed inquiry.”

Hon Meg Webb MLC 4 June 2020


More on Meg’s Motion to establish a Joint Select Committee to inquire into Tasmania’s COVID-19 response and recovery.

Recent media regarding Government Scrutiny 

Read Meg’s Letter to the Premier regarding the establishment of a Joint Select Committee



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