Media Release – Parliament Restoration

August 9, 2022

Meg Webb MLC has welcomed the Premier’s commitment to restore the House of Assembly back to the five electorates by seven MPs model.

“Common-sense and democratic principles have prevailed.

“Congratulations to Premier Rockliff for having the fortitude to put the democratic interests of ordinary Tasmanians over vested party interests.

“Restoring the representative capacity intended by Hare-Clark is essential and long-overdue.  Hare and Clark worked tirelessly to ensure that ordinary Tasmanians who did not see themselves represented by political parties could still see themselves or their views reflected by independents or smaller parties.

“The disastrous 1998 cut in representation saw the major two parties trying to remake the parliament in their image.  Now we re on the brink of seeing it restored to a functioning democracy representative of the range of views held by the community.

“I also appreciate the Premier abiding by his commitment to release the TEC advice on this matter as requested during Budget Estimates.”


Media Contact: A.Mark Thomas, M&M Communications, 0422 006 732


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