Adam Holmes | Examiner | April 28, 2021 Neither the Liberals nor Labor would commit to slowing down spin rates or reducing maximum bets for poker machines as part of harm minimisation measures when gambling reform legislation comes before parliament later this...
Pokies losses hit $180 million since Gutwein became Tasmanian Premier
Bob Burton | Tasmanian Inquirer & Guardian | April 26, 2021 Almost $500 million lost since the last state election More than $180 million has been lost on Tasmanian poker machines since Peter Gutwein became Premier in January 2020, according to data from the...
Secret gambling industry MOU is an election issue
Meg Sydes| 7 News | March 31, 2021 Labor secret signing of gambling MOU is unacceptable. Meg Webb questions what other secret deals have been made by political parties.
Tasmanian Labor pledges to ‘support the rights’ of pubs and clubs to operate pokies, three years after pushing ban
Emily Baker | ABC News | March 31, 2021 Tasmanian Labor has signed a deal with the state's hospitality lobby stating the party "supports the rights" of pubs and clubs to operate poker machines — just three years after vowing to have them banned.Key points:Labor...
Pokies back on agenda
Mercury Newspaper | March 30, 2021 PREMIER Peter Gutwein needs to release the tax rate for casino pokies during the election campaign, say independent member for Nelson Meg Webb and the Greens.Ms Webb, an anti-pokie campaigner, said if the government was still in...
Tax rate of poker machine takings works its way into 2021 Tasmanian state election campaign
Matt Maloney | Advocate Newspaper | March 29, 2021 Premier Peter Gutwein will not reveal whether the government has set a tax rate for poker machines in Tasmanian casinos ahead of legislation being released after the election.Federal Group are charged 35 per cent tax...
Casino pokies tax rate is a campaign issue
Imogen Elliot | WIN News | March 29, 2021 “Either Premier Gutwein knows what this tax rate will be and is refusing to release it to avoid criticism during the election campaign or the government and Federal Group are still in secret negotiations on it,” Read Meg’s...
Gaming reform delayed
Leon Compton | ABC Mornings | March 29, 2021 Meg Webb on delayed Tasmanian gaming reforms with Leon Compton ABC Mornings.Read Meg's media release on gaming donations
RTI – Responsible Gambling Mandatory Code of Practice
Information requested from Treasury and Finance on 21 Jan 2021. Decision received 23 March 2021. Regarding the 2017 review of the Responsible Gambling Mandatory Code of Practice for Tasmania, please provide all correspondence and other interactions including, but...
Tasmanian gambling reform a sticking point between profit and purpose
Brinley Duggan | Examiner Newspaper | February 6, 2021 The future of gaming in Tasmania has sent stakeholders into a spin.The state government's future gaming policy was released for comment in February last year.The policy proposed limiting the number of pokies in...