Article-Libs on Upper House Search

May 19, 2024

Sunday Tasmanian | 19 May 2024; pg 4.

Libs on Upper House search

Sue Bailey

As the Liberal Party begins the search for candidates to contest three Legislative Council elections in 2025, the independent member for Nelson, Meg Webb, has confirmed she plans to stand again.

Liberal Party state director Peter Coulson said the process for “the next generation of leaders” to contest the seats of Nelson, Pembroke and
Montgomery had begun.

He said Tasmanians wanted and deserved representatives at all levels who put their constituents’ interests first and would deliver for communities.

“The Liberals have a proud history of representing Tasmanians in the Legislative Council and a strong record of delivering for Tasmanians too,” Mr Coulson said. 

“With three elections due in 2025, we’re looking for the next generation of leaders across Pembroke, Nelson and Montgomery to step forward and continue this tradition.

“Just like the communities that they could represent, the candidates that we’re looking for will have a wide range of experience, expertise and a passion for service to Tasmanians.”

The leader for the government in the Legislative Council, Leonie Hiscutt, has announced she will not recontest her seat of Montgomery but her son Casey plants to run as an independent.

Mr Coulson said the community was increasingly fed up with the current Nelson and Pembroke members because they were solely focused on political games rather than delivering on the interests of Tasmanians.

“Two years after the Labor Member for Pembroke was elected, nothing has been achieved and Labor has broken a string of promises,” he said.

“Likewise, people in Nelson are rightly demanding a representative who will focus on them, supporting their community and working to help
household budgets.”

Mr Coulson said the party was proud of the work done by Ms Hiscutt.

Ms Webb said for the past 30 years Nelson voters had chosen an independent “because they know a strong independent voice genuinely
puts community first, instead of party and donor interests getting in the way”.

“I will proudly stand on my record in recontesting the seat of Nelson next May, in particular my tireless efforts championing integrity in politics, holding the government to account and the extensive connections I’ve built with local communities,” she said.

“I take it as a badge of honour to see the party in government mobilise so early against an incumbent Upper House independent – clearly I’m being far too effective in holding the government’s feet to the fire.”

Labor MLC for Pembroke Luke Edmunds plans to seek Labor endorsement to recontest his seat.

View article as published in the Sunday Tasmanian below:

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