Motion Debate – Upper House Votes to Establish Joint House Committee on Electoral Matters

May 23, 2024

Meg brought on for debate her motion seeking to establish a Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, during the first Upper House sitting week of the new 51st Tasmanian Parliament.

  • Meg tabled her motion on Tuesday the 21st of May 2024 and debated it on Thursday the 23rd of May 2024.  Text of Meg’s motion can be viewed on the bottom of this page.
  • Meg’s motion passed the Legislative Council voting in unanimous support.
  • The motion now needs to be considered by the House of Assembly.
View below Meg delivering her debate speech in the Legislative Council, (noting the parliamentary video is in two parts).
View Meg’s speech in support of her motion either here, or as a pdf below:

Notice of Motion

(Text of motion as Tabled on 21 May 2024, and debated by the Legislative Council on 23 May 2024)


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