Question – RTI Process re Paul Reynolds State Funeral Disclosure?

May 16, 2024

The Hon. Meg Webb MLC asked the following Question on the 16th of May 2024, and the response was provided by the Hon. Felix Ellis MP, Minister for Police and Emergency Services on 28 May 2024. The response was formally tabled by the Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, Hon. Leonie Hiscutt MLC, on the 19th of June 2024.

Text of Question Asked by Meg:


19 June 2024

[3.15 p.m.]

Regarding the Right to Information Assessed Disclosure Reference RTI 441/23, which relates to the police funeral for former officer Mr Paul Reynolds, can the government please:

(1) Explain why the disclosed RTI documents dated 10 November 2023 were not uploaded to the Tasmania Police Disclosure Log at the time of release?

(2) Confirm the disclosure RTI documents were not published on the Tasmania Police Disclosure Log until 19 March 2024, following media reports on 18 March 2024 on the matter?

(3) detail current policy requirements and timeframes in which RTI disclosures are to be uploaded onto the Tasmania Police disclosure logs.



19 June 2024

Mr President,

(1) An administrative error resulted in DPFEM not consistently adding relevant assessed information to the disclosure log publicly available on the department website.

(2) Disclosed RTI documents in relation to RTI 441/23 were published on the departmental website on 19 March 2024.

(3) Since this oversight has been identified, DPFEM have reviewed RTI disclosures made in the last 12 months, with 9 disclosures identified that should have been published on the disclosure log. These disclosures have since been published and are available from the Tasmanian Police website. All disclosures meeting criteria for publication on the disclosure log will, in future, be published within two business days of release to the applicant. The RTI policy and associated forms and guidelines are currently being reviewed.


Text of Question Asked by Meg, and the government’s response can be viewed  here or below:

See more of Meg’s Questions to Parliament.


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