Media Release: Assembly Votes to Establish Electoral Matters Parliamentary Committee

June 13, 2024

Assembly Votes to Establish Electoral Matters Parliamentary Oversight Committee

13 June 2024

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today welcomed the House of Assembly vote in support of her proposed new Parliamentary Electoral Matters Committee.

“Now that the Assembly has added its support to my proposed Joint House Electoral Matters Committee, along with the Upper House vote of last month, we are one step closer to establishing this ground-breaking democratic first for Tasmania,” Ms Webb said.

“This new piece of parliamentary architecture will be an important democracy health-check, and will draw on the range and experiences of elected representatives as well as the broader community.

“The new proposed Electoral Matters committee will be responsible for reviewing recent elections just as the Federal, NSW and Victorian parliaments do with their similar Committees which undertake election reviews as a matter of routine.

“Shortly, Tasmanians should have the opportunity to reflect on the administration and conduct of their March state poll and recent Upper House elections experiences, raise any issues and makes suggestions for improvements.”

The Legislative Council unanimously supported Ms Webb’s motion to establish the new Electoral Matter joint Standing Committee on May 23 this year.


View Meg Webb MLC’s Background Briefing Paper on the Proposed Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters here:


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