Question – Ashley Youth Detention Centre School

June 20, 2024

The Hon. Meg Webb MLC asked the following question to the Hon. Jo Palmer MLC Minister for Education, in the Legislative Council. 


Text of Question Asked by Meg:


20 June 2024

[3.12 p.m.]

This question will probably be taken on notice, so I would like to put it on the record before we break, if I may.

Mr PRESIDENT – We will allow it because the Leader did say around 10 past.

Ms WEBB – Ashley school was opened on site at the Ashley Youth Detention Centre in 2003 with the stated intent of building confidence and capacity in functional literacy, numeracy and work-related skills while engaging students in meaningful education, provision based, on an individual learning plan that students negotiate with staff.

(16) How many qualified FTE education teachers are currently working at Ashley School and are they working within an approved curriculum

(17) Are all AYDC detainees engaged in Ashley School whether they have an individualised learning plan or not?

(18) Should periods of isolation disrupt school access and delivery of learning plans, how is that time and access made up for any student whose school time was disrupted?

(19) How many individualised learning plans negotiated between students and staff are currently in place and being delivered?


This question was taken on notice, and a formal response will be posted below once provided. 


See more of Meg’s Questions to Parliament.


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