Motion Debate – Office of the Custodial Inspector Tasmania: Annual Report 2022-2023

August 6, 2024

Meg brought on for debate on Tuesday the 6th of August her motion that the Office of the Custodial Inspector Tasmania: Annual Report 2022-2023 be considered and noted.

  • Meg tabled her motion on Thursday the 16th of November 2023 and the Legislative Council debated it on Tuesday the 6th of August 2024. Text of Meg’s motion can be viewed on the bottom of this page.
  • Meg’s motion was passed unopposed.
View below Meg delivering her opening debate speech in the Legislative Council.
View Meg’s speech in support of her motion as a pdf below:

Notice of Motion

(Text of motion as Tabled on 16 November 2023, and debated by the Legislative Council on 6 August 2024)


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