My story and experience
I am a sixth generation Tasmanian. Born in Queenstown, my early childhood was spent on the Tasman Peninsula before growing up in Hobart.
After five years living in Melbourne as a young mum, I returned to Tasmania in 2000. This was a real homecoming for us – back to family, back to the Tasmanian environment and community.
On returning, I started working in the community sector and that is where my commitment to working for a better future for our state has become clearer and stronger over the past 18 years.
I began working at the coalface in community aged care with the Salvation Army, then coordinated volunteer programs in the community and health sectors. From that I moved into a capacity building role with Volunteering Tasmania.
Working in a peak body gave me the opportunity to focus on systemic issues and shift to a focus on policy and research. I undertook a Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and moved to working with the Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS).
At TasCOSS I had the opportunity to develop in leadership roles and became the Deputy CEO. From 2015, I was manager of Anglicare Tasmania’s Social Action and Research Centre (SARC), leading a dynamic team committed to making change and finding solutions for the social challenges we face in Tasmania.
Advocating for change, for social justice and for a better future for our state has never been just a job for me. In all my work I’ve lived my values and my passion every day. A career in work that has purpose and makes a real difference has led me now to pursue public service as an elected representative for my community.