Poker machine reform campaigner for Nelson

March 26, 2019

Prominent anti-pokies campaigner, Rev Tim Costello recently joined Meg Webb, independent candidate
for the upper house seat of Nelson, for her election campaign launch at Kingston’s popular non-pokies pub, The Salty Dog

Rev Costello spoke to the large crowd at the candidates launch about the leading role taken by Meg Webb in the Tasmanian campaign for pokies reform. He commended her for having the courage to stand up to the poker machine industry, including in public debates during last year’s state election.

“Meg’s a fighter. “Meg’s a person of great principle and character,” said Rev Costello.

Rev Costello highlighted the importance of Tasmania in national efforts on poker machine reform. He noted that this state had a unique opportunity to move away from the enormous harm caused by poker machines by licensing them in casinos only.

“Unlike mainland states, Tasmania does not yet have perpetual licenses or a state government economically dependent on poker machine taxes,” said Rev Costello.

Placing Ms Webb in the company of other successful antipokies independents Andrew Wilkie and Nick Xenophon, Rev Costello underlined the importance of the Legislative Council and the results of the Nelson election in May.

“The battle for reform in Tasmania is not over yet and the upper house will be pivotal.” said Rev Costello.

“We need independent voices like Meg Webb speaking up on this issue for the community.”

Meg Webb has worked in the Tasmanian community sector for two decades. She is currently on leave from her role as manager of Anglicare Tasmania’s Social Action and Research Centre while running for election. She spoke at the event about her strong sense of purpose throughout her working life.

“It is that sense of purpose and connection to the community that I want to take into parliament,” said Ms Webb.

“To make a positive difference for our community as the Nelson representative is something I would be honoured to do.”

Kingborough Chronicle | March 26, 2019

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