Tasmanian Treasury data reveals poker machine expenditure following lockdown

July 16, 2020

Tasmanians lost $2.6 million through electronic gaming machines over five days last month after their use was permitted again.  

Gaming venues were required to close on March 23 due to coronavirus public health restrictions.

Gaming activities were allowed to start again on June 5.

Before venues shut in March, more than $9 million had been spent on poker machines.

Over the five-day period in June, $189,990 was lost on gaming machines in Launceston, $121,874 on machines in Devonport, and $96,234 on machines in Burnie.

Nelson independent MLC Meg Webb said the statistics released by Treasury showed people on average spent $525,000 a day on poker machines.

“With even with fewer machines operating due to social distancing, this was a spike of more than 25 per cent per day compared to March this year,” Ms Webb said.

“I condemn the Premier’s decision to turn the machines back on at a time of high stress and economic vulnerability.”

Ms Webb said gaming rooms should be closed until the state’s health, social and economic conditions stabilised.

She said a public education campaign on poker machine gambling during the era of coronavirus was needed as well as a new outreach gambling support program.

A government spokesperson said the relaxation on restrictions which allowed gaming to return was based on public health advice.

They said the state’s harm minimisation framework was regarded as nation leading.

Matt Maloney The Advocate and Examiner 16 July 2020

Meg’s media release – Poker machine losses jump

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