Call for gambling study consultation period to be extended

September 8, 2020

The public consultation period for the fifth Social and Economic Impact Study of gambling in Tasmania should be extended, one MLC says.

Nelson independent MLC Meg Webb said the six week consultation period should be extended by another month.

“This will ensure the community can participate in a meaningful manner on a significant and potentially sensitive issue,” Ms Webb said.

“This will not impact the study’s reporting timeframe as it is not due until June next year.

“The gambling SEIS is a legislated requirement under the Gaming Control Act, one which deserves to be taken seriously and have the government genuinely seek community input.

“This call comes on top of revelations that the government’s advertisement was only published in one of the state’s weekend newspapers instead of all three, and local study consultant, Mr Saul Eslake, has yet to receive his brief.”

Ms Webb said not advertising the public consultation in Northern Tasmania was not best practice.

“It’s either a disrespectful oversight or a disturbing insight into the government’s poor regard for meaningful community consultation,” she said.

“Northern Tasmanians who care about this issue should not be disenfranchised.”

Finance Minister Michael Ferguson said the government had already extended the due date for the fifth SEIS to June 2021 due to venues being closed by COVID-19.

“The public consultation process for the SEIS follows the same process used previously,” Mr Ferguson said.

“Stakeholders, peak bodies and interested individuals will be closely engaged through the consultation process, which works well, and will include direct invitation to with relevant organisations and participants in previous studies.”

Mr Ferguson did not answer questions about the advertising of the consultation period in the North of the state.

Emily Jarvie  Advocate and Examiner

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