Tim Costello urges Tasmanian Government to consider better consumer protections for poker machine use

January 29, 2021

Alliance for Gambling Reform chief advocate Tim Costello on Friday said Tasmania could lead the nation in implementing measures aimed at reducing the addictive characteristics of poker machines.

“These effective consumer protection measures do not affect the recreational use of the machines,” he said.

Nelson independent MLC Meg Webb said gaming reform must include consumer protection measures like $1 maximum bet limits, slower spins, a minimum return to player rate of 92 per cent, $1000 maximum jackpots, and shorter opening hours for gaming venues.

She said it would be irresponsible for the government to progress gaming reform without appropriate and effective consumer protection.

Ms Webb said the government should also release the expected social and economic impact of the proposed change to pokies licensing.

Premier Peter Gutwein said there would be more support rolled out for problem gamblers under the government’s gaming laws.

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