Governor’s Address in Reply extract – TasTAFE

June 24, 2021

Governor’s Address in Reply | TasTAFE Extract | 24 June, 2021  

Another matter from the Government’s agenda that appears to have gone a bit quiet at this time after causing much consternation in the community, is the proposal to make TasTAFE a government business enterprise.  While some actions to progress in planning activities related to TasTAFE’s capital works, online campus, rural and regional sites do appear in the Government’s first 100 days document, a dramatic plan to transform TasTAFE into a GBE is not present.  I spoke about this intended plan in some detail in my reply to the Premier’s Address in March this year, when the dramatic proposal to change TasTAFE to a GBE was sprung on the community via a recommendation in the final PESRAC report.

Along with all other recommendations in the report, this one was immediately accepted by the Government, apparently without any meaningful further consultation with key stakeholders such as TasTAFE teachers or students.  Perhaps, the Government had assumed that the recommendation had arisen out of thorough and wide-ranging consultation in the PESRAC process.  Perhaps, the Government had imagined the PESRAC consultation provided a thorough examination of the issues and opportunities relating to TasTAFE, a rigorous examination of expert evidence, advice and due consideration of a range of potential options and solutions.  If that is what the Government imagined when promptly they accepted that PESRAC recommendation to make TasTAFE a GBE, it was solely mistaken.

As it has been confirmed, the issue of TasTAFE did come up in the PESRAC consultations.  There was broad agreement we need to support the upskilling, re-skilling and initial training of Tasmanians across all sectors and demographics.  However, no robust examination of what problems actually need to be solved or new ways of working actually need to be adopted to achieve this was undertaken in that PESRAC context.  Therefore, no convincing case was actually prosecuted that corporatising this entity into a GBE is the appropriate course of action.  Put simply, I remain unconvinced of the nature and extent of the perceived TasTAFE problem.  Nor am I convinced the GBE proposal is the best way forward.  Concerningly, on closer examination it also came to light that the only submission to PESRAC that promoted this particular recommendation was made by the NCK Evers Network, of which the PESRAC chair Don Challen has been a key member.

I remain concerned this proposal has the clear hallmarks of the pre-COVID-19 ideological agenda, being implemented by stealth under the cover of COVID-19.  And I hold particular concerns as to the appearance of special consideration being given to a proposal put forward by groups with personal connections to the chair of PESRAC.  I highlight that concern because I know there were many worthy community groups and community stakeholders who made submissions and valuable recommendations to PESRAC – who, likely, lacked a personal connection to leverage for special consideration.

We know in a state as small as ours, when it comes to having your voice heard and influencing decisions it is all too easy for it to be more about who you know, than the merit of what you know.  This is the dynamic that consolidates power and influence among a select few and leads to tainted governance.  It actively erodes public confidence and trust and must be fiercely guarded against.  It is the duty of those in power in decision-making roles to take particular care to reject and avoid circumstances in which they may perpetuate this kind of exclusive and entitled approach to governance in this state.  Or even the perception of it.  Given the doubtful provenance of the recommendation to make TasTAFE a GBE and the disruptive uncertainty, particularly for staff and students who are the stakeholders in the centre of this proposal, it is imperative the Government provide clear and timely information on the progress of this proposal.  Indeed, whether it still exists as a proposal.

Watch or read Meg’s complete Governor’s Address in Reply speech.  

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