Where is the Premier?

August 19, 2021

Media Release |19 August 2021  

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today called on Premier Peter Gutwein to defend his decision to keep secret at the May election his gift to the Federal Group of a quarter of a billion dollars.

 “Why was this crucial information withheld from the state’s major stakeholders – the Tasmanian people – during the election campaign?” Ms Webb.

“Why did the Premier hide these details from the voters?

 “If the proposed new FGM casino tax rates are such a good deal for Tasmania, the Premier should have put them up for scrutiny during the election,” Ms Webb said.

Ms Webb said Minister Michael Ferguson stated yesterday on Statewide television that the Government didn’t make the decision until after the State election on May 1.

“But the government’s own Exposure Draft Bill document data provides reinforcing evidence that the casino tax rates and industry deal had been finalised and signed off by Cabinet well before the election was called.

“The deal was done, the fix was in, but the Tasmanian voter was cut out.

“No more excuses. The Premier has been caught out, and he must come out of hiding and address these questions fully and transparently.

“The Tasmanian public is done with his secret deals for his donor mates.”

See the RTI decision here

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