Media Release – Political Donation Reform Fail

August 25, 2021

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said today the long-awaited and long-overdue proposed Tasmanian political donation reforms contain a disturbing sting in the tail.

“The release yesterday of the political donations reforms for public consultation should be a welcome development,” Ms Webb said.

“However, as always seems to be the case with this Government, the proposed reforms contain a sting.

“This draft Bill sets $5000 as the public disclosure threshold amount – despite public and commentator calls for $1000 threshold.”

Ms Webb said the Government’s Electoral Act Review Final Report released in February stated:

“If a disclosure regime was introduced in the state, a threshold of $1, 000 would be in line with the majority of submitters to the Review as well as the general trend in other jurisdictions (P 63).”

“I sounded a warning during the 2021 election campaign that the absurd voluntary listing of political donations of $5000 should not be used as a stalking horse to set a higher disclosure bar than was indicated as best practice elsewhere.

“We all saw what a farce the voluntary listing of amounts of $5000 or above was during the election, with one political donation announced by parties subscribing to that amount.”

Ms Webb said the release of the Draft Bill should be a relief for those many Tasmanians demanding real action on this matter election after election.

“However, it appears to be yet another kick in the teeth to Tasmanians seeking greater transparency over who pays what to whom during and between election campaigns.

“Again we see a blatant attempt to protect the interests of political parties and big donors’ interests over the interests of the Tasmanian community.

“Tasmanians deserve platinum-plated political donation laws, not this version tarnished with political self-interest.”

Ms Webb said the Electoral Disclosure and Funding Bill 2021 is now available on the Department of Justice website for public consultation, with submissions due on the 28th of September.

More information on the submission process here.

See more of Meg’s recent media here





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