Anti-protest laws briefing sessions for miners, forestry ahead of Tasmanian Upper House debate

June 28, 2022

Emily Baker | ABC News | June 28 2022

An independent Tasmanian MP says forest and mining groups were given the “unusual” opportunity to give the state’s Legislative Council confidential briefings ahead of debate on controversial anti-protest laws.

The Legislative Council last week debated state government legislation that would impose harsher penalties on protests that impact on a business’s operations.

While a representative from mining company MMG sat through briefings provided by environmental and civil groups, going on to rebut parts of what was said, the room was cleared when mining and forest industry representatives made their case to members of the Legislative Council (MLCs).

Nelson independent MLC Meg Webb, who will vote against the legislation, said she could not recall such confidential briefings happening at other times during her three years on the Legislative Council.

While Legislative Council briefings were not formally recorded, they were usually open to the public, she said.

“We checked back to say is anything that’s been provided here unable to be discussed in the chamber and as part of our debate, and the answer was no,” Ms Webb said.



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