Article-Mountain review under question

October 29, 2024

Kingborough Chronicle | 29 October 2024; pg 4.

Mountain review under question

Local independent member for Nelson Meg Webb MLC raised in Parliament last week concerns over the Tasmanian Government’s proposed review of kunanyi/Mount Wellington and the broader Wellington Park.

 “It is very concerning that the government’s announced review of kunanyi/Mount Wellington and the broader Wellington Park is being run by the Department of State Growth instead of being overseen by the Minister for Parks Nick Duigan,” Ms Webb said.

“During Parliamentary Question Time I asked the Minister for Parks to explain why, despite the fact he is responsible for the Wellington Park Act 1993 and the Wellington Park Management Trust, it is not his department undertaking this latest review of our unique and precious mountain?”

Mr Duigan responded that State Growth had expressed a clear intention to collaborate with the Wellington Park Management Trust.

“Obviously my office, myself and the department are in very close consultation with the trust and understanding the work that it is doing,” Mr Duigan said.

“The government’s strategic review is focused on developing a long-term vision for the mountain and broader park, while the trust’s existing work focuses more on a shorter time frame.

“Both are complementary and are running well in parallel.

“My office and the Wellington Park Management Trust will be key stakeholders in the review and that is where the input and the interface will happen.”

Ms Webb urged community members with an interest in the ongoing future of the kunyani/Mt Wellington Park to make a submission to the government’s review, which can be found on the Department of State Growth website.


View the article as published in the Kingborough Chronicle, pg 4:

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