Article-Parliament Celebrates Saltbush

December 3, 2024

Kingborough Chronicle | 3 December 2024: pg 12.

Parliament Celebrates Saltbush

Independent member for Nelson Meg Webb MLC took the opportunity to commend Kingston’s Saltbush Child and Family Learning Centre (CFLC) in Legislative Council recently.

The contribution made to the Kingborough community by the recently opened Saltbush Child and Family Learning Centre (CFLC), co-located in the Kingston Primary School, has been celebrated in the Tasmanian Parliament.

Following a tour of the Saltbush CFLC, independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb MLC raised in the Legislative Council the range of integrated services and wraparound supports provided in a welcoming and engaging atmosphere.

“In the short time since the Saltbush CFLC opened in August, I was blown away by the welcoming professionalism of the staff, the centre’s beautiful spaces and fun activities, as well as the range of services available on site,” Ms Webb said.

“During my tour it was great to see the wonderful mix of cultures and backgrounds amongst the families attending the centre that day, including dads and grandparents engaging in a whole range of activities.”

“Additionally, the Saltbush CFLC also offers a safe, inclusive and welcoming space where families can access a range of child health and parenting services, midwife appointments and psychologist consultations.”

“Congratulations to Centre Leader Rachael Hawkins and her team, who in such a short time have become such an essential part of the local community.”

View the article as published in the Kingborough Chronicle, pg 12:

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