Brewery boss hopeful for some last minute changes

January 11, 2022

Chris Michaels | Examiner | 11 January 2022  

Boags Brewery manager Nathan Calman has not given up hope of some last-minute amendments to the Container Refund Scheme Bill which is set to be heard in March when Parliament resumes.

Mr Calman said the scheme put forward by the state government, the split system model where a scheme co-ordinator would manage the finances and administration, while an independent network operator established and ran the network of refund points, was not his preferred option.

“We’re hopeful that we can get enough support for an inquiry to examine the complex issues that surround the schemes and in particular the model that the government’s chosen,” Mr Calman said.

“Even with the current model, there are still potentially amendments that could be made to the legislation to make it easier for business and to support the community groups more.

“To hold an inquiry you would need the support of the majority in the legislative council.”

McIntyre independent MLC Tania Rattray said she expected no delays with the legislation come March.

“There is always the opportunity to review in the legislative council, you would just have to gain majority support to put it into a committee of inquiry,” Ms Rattray said.

“I certainly wouldn’t say that wouldn’t happen, but I know there was a genuine will in the house around having this scheme put in place so it could become operational as soon as practical – but we also had waited a long time and we want to get it right.”

Nelson independent MLC Meg Webb said she was pleased with the scheme put forward.

“The model proposed in the bill balances the interests of the community, the environment and industry,” Ms Webb said.

“Tasmania can have confidence in a model that is well established and delivering good outcomes in NSW, and has also now been adopted in Victoria.”

The government’s preferred scheme attracted criticism from some charity groups and community organisations, with claims that money meant for them would go to the network operator, and criticism that alternative schemes weren’t fully considered.

Mr Calman said community groups and charities would be harmed by the government’s model.

“The middle man design will add cost to the scheme unnecessarily because that middle-man and looking at that model of the scheme in NSW it’s operated by a waste company which is for profit,” Mr Calman said.

“There in the business of operating that element of the scheme to make a profit.

“There’s also downsides that have been seen there in terms of community groups not being able to maximise their benefit and play a more active role.”

Mr Calman was dismissive of the way the government initially went about researching the best model for Tasmanians.

“More than anything having a good look at the process that the minister and the government have taken in choosing this scheme that they’ve chosen,” he said.

“I’m not sure enough work has been done to understand the pros and cons of the different models and the impact of the models.”

Read or watch Meg’s Container Refund Scheme Bill second reading speech

See more of Meg’s recent media.