Youth Unemployment Motion

Youth Unemployment Motion

Youth Unemployment Motion Ms WEBB (Nelson) – Mr President, I thank the member for Elwick for bringing the debate on this issue of youth unemployment to the House.Youth unemployment across Australia remains high, consistently double the normal rate. In this...
Religious Discrimination Motion

Religious Discrimination Motion

Religious Discrimination Motion I have moved this Motion for debate because the Federal Government has proposed a piece of legislation which, if passed, would leave vulnerable Tasmanians with less protection from discrimination then they currently enjoy. The proposed...
Huntingfield Rezoning Disallowance Motion

Huntingfield Rezoning Disallowance Motion

Huntingfield Rezoning Disallowance Motion Ms WEBB (Nelson) – Mr President, I move -That the Legislative Council, in accordance with section 9(4) of the Housing Land Supply Act 2018, disallow the proposed Housing Land Supply (Huntingfield) Order 2019 which was...


NAPLAN Motion ​Mr President, I would like to start by thanking the Member for Elwick for bringing the issue of education to this chamber.I feel it is also worth acknowledging the Member’s previous experience as an educator here in Tasmania.It offers a rare opportunity...
Pill Testing Motion

Pill Testing Motion

Pill Testing Motion Ms WEBB (Nelson) – Mr Acting President, I welcome the motion presented by the member for Murchison on the issue of pill testing at festivals and music events in Tasmania. Given the member’s experience as a healthcare professional in...