Question – Greyhound Racing

Question – Greyhound Racing

Question – Greyhound Racing Questions asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 16 Nov 2021 and answered by the Minister for Racing on 22 Nov 2021  In a media release on 9 September 2021, the Minister for Racing stated that the racing industry contributes $103 million in...
Question – Tasmanian Population Growth

Question – Tasmanian Population Growth

Tasmanian Population Rate Question asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 4 Nov 2021 and answered by the Leader of the Government on 11 Nov 2021.  QuestionThe Premier recently announced that Treasury forecasts predict Tasmania’s population will increase by up to 0.6...
Question – Huntingfield Development

Question – Huntingfield Development

Question – Huntingfield Development Questions answered by the Hon Michael Ferguson Minister for Housing  on 26 October 2021.     Given that the Huntingfield development is public land:QUESTION 1: How has the sale price for land been determined?Answer 1: The sale...
Question – Food Delivery Drivers

Question – Food Delivery Drivers

Question – Delivery Drivers for Food Delivery Question asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 30 June 2021 and answered by the Leader of the Government in the Legislative C, Hon Leonie Hiscutt on 30 August 2021.  QUESTION 1: With regard to delivery riders for food...