Question – Arm End Golf Course

Question – Arm End Golf Course

Question – Arm End Golf Course Questions asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 23 November 2021 and answered by the Minister for Parks on 8 March 2022.Regarding the proposed Arm End Golf Course:Question 1: (a) Can the Government confirm the site for the proposed...
Question – Tasmania Law Reform Institute

Question – Tasmania Law Reform Institute

Question – Tasmania Law Reform Institute Question asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 25 November 2021 and answered by the Minister for Justice on 3 March 2022.Recognising that historically the Tasmanian Government has received independent law reform advice from...
Question – Macquarie Point Development

Question – Macquarie Point Development

Question – Macquarie Point Development Questions asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 23 Nov 2021 and answered by the Minister for State Development, Construction and Housing on 8 March 2022With regard to the Macquarie Point Development Site:Question 1 – Can...