Legislation glut in the upper house

Legislation glut in the upper house

Legislation glut in the upper house Matt Maloney | Advocate | 23 November 2021  SOME independent upper house members have criticised the government’s handling of its legislative agenda with one saying the Legislative Council has not experienced such an end-of...
Appeal for donation bans

Appeal for donation bans

Appeal for donation bans Kenji Sato| Mercury Newspaper | 5 October 2021  THE government’s crackdown on dodgy donations to political parties doesn’t go anywhere near far enough, according to independent MP Meg Webb.Ms Webb’s comments come in response to the draft...
Food Amendment Bill 2021

Food Amendment Bill 2021

Food Amendment Bill 2021 Ms WEBB (Nelson) – Mr President, I too support this bill.  The amendment in 2015 greatly benefited many mobile food businesses in Tasmania with a single statewide registration system that was introduced at that time.  It significantly...