Question – Food Delivery Drivers

August 30, 2021

Question asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 30 June 2021 and answered by the Leader of the Government in the Legislative C, Hon Leonie Hiscutt on 30 August 2021.  

QUESTION 1: With regard to delivery riders for food delivery services in Tasmania:

(a) What actions are being taken by the Government to assess issues that affect the safety and working conditions of food delivery riders in Tasmania; and 

(b)     what actions are being taken to address these issues?

ANSWER (1)     The Government remains committed to making sure the health and safety of Tasmanian workers is protected.  This is a complex area with issues relating to work health and safety, workers compensation and motor accident compensation.

Tasmania’s work health and safety legislation is harmonised with the model work, health and safety laws.  It is risk-based legislation where businesses and undertakings (businesses) are required to assess the risks based on their environment and control the risks, so far as reasonably practicable, in their context.

The Government is a member of and actively participates in Safe Work Australia’s research and education.  Safe Work Australia has produced guidance material to assist delivery riders in staying safe at work.

QUESTION (2)     Which findings and recommendations of the New South Wales Joint Taskforce on Food Delivery Safety does the Government consider to be relevant to the conditions of food delivery riders in Tasmania?

ANSWER (2)     The context of the industry in Tasmania is different to that in New South Wales.  Where practicable, we will consider adopting any new initiatives that can improve the ongoing safety of workers in this sector.

QUESTION (3)     Which findings and recommendations of the report into On-demand Platform Work in Australia by the Senate Select Committee on Job Security does the Government consider to be relevant to the safety and working conditions of food delivery riders in Tasmania?

ANSWER (3)     The First interim report: on-demand platform work in Australia of the Senate Select Committee on Job Security was released in June 2021.  We note that public hearings are ongoing and the select committee is still accepting submissions.  The committee is due to report by 30 November 2021.  The first interim report made 15 recommendations.

Recommendations 3 and 4 are actions that the interim report has assigned to Safe Work Australia.  They relate to data collection and the development of high-level guidance. Tasmania will participate in the consideration of these recommendations as a member of Safe Work Australia.

Recommendations 5 and 6 are assigned to the Australian Government.  They relate to the introduction of, or amendment of, the model work health and safety regulations and the reform of state-based workers compensation schemes in relation to platform workers.

There are other recommendations that relate to working conditions under the Fair Work Act which is an Australian Government responsibility.

The Government will consider the committee’s final report when it is released.

See more Questions asked by Meg Webb