Details sought on pokies modelling ahead of venues reopening

June 26, 2020

THE State Government is being urged to release social and economic impact modelling of the proposed new poker machine licensing arrangements.

The Legislative Council yesterday endorsed a motion by independent MLC Meg Webb for the public release of any modelling undertaken.

Ms Webb yesterday urged Premier Peter Gutwein to “respect the vote outcome”.

“I call on the Premier to either provide the requested information or undertake the necessary social and economic impact work as a matter of urgency,” Ms Webb said.

“The Government’s proposed new pokies licensing arrangements were contentious prior to COVID-19 – but in the context of the pandemic, it further highlights concerns that the new system poses additional risk to the community at a time when it can least afford it.”

Finance Minister Michael Ferguson said the Government remained committed to reforming gaming in Tasmania.

“The Future Gaming Market project team is continuing to undertake the significant and complex work associated with implementing the Government’s policy, including extensive financial modelling and the development of licence fees, tax rates and licence terms,” he said.

“The Government has not yet finalised the entire package of licence fees, tax rates or licence term that will apply under the policy and therefore modelling is not currently available.”

JAMES KITTO, Mercury June 26, 2020

Read Meg’s media release – Call for Govt to release impact modelling of new pokies licensing plan

See more recent media from Meg Webb

Read more about Meg’s actions on Pokies