If you are keen to support Meg’s work, financial contributions are helpful and much appreciated.
Any donations made are used to directly add to Meg’s Parliamentary work and advocacy on her priority areas.
Meg is happy to discuss the areas of work you’d like to support and how your contribution might best be used to assist.
As a matter of transparency, Meg publicly declares on this website any donations above $1000.
You can use the form on this page to make a donation, or if you’d prefer to use another method please contact Meg’s office directly to arrange it: meg.webb@parliament.tas.gov.au or
6212 2290
Declaration of donations over $1,000
July 2021 – Sir Max Bingham – $10,000 – Poker machine research
August 2021 – Greg James – $2,300 – Poker machine research
August 2021 – Tim Jacobson – $2,000 – Poker machine research