EDITORIAL – Right now, this independent could claim to be our real opposition

October 27, 2021

Editorial | Advocate | 27 October 2021 

An upper house independent could make a reasonable claim to acting as the real opposition in Tasmania at present.

Meg Webb came to prominence as an anti-pokies campaigner, and has continued that fight as the Member for Nelson.

Of late, with new gaming legislation before the parliament, she’s attacked the Liberals and Labor too for being “under the whip” of the pokies industry.

In failing to take the opportunity to strengthen harm minimisation measures, the major parties, Ms Webb says, are sending “a clear message that industry profits from addiction come well above the wellbeing of Tasmanians”.

On Wednesday, she gave the Gutwein government a bollocking for putting “self-interest first” in refusing to allow a parliamentary inquiry into the recent elections.

Ms Webb does, it seems rather obvious, have an axe to grind against the government, and her claim that voters are “losing confidence in the integrity of our elections and their politicians” is questionable at best.

Yet, as she says, it’s standard practice to review elections in other jurisdictions, including federally, and suggests the Liberals just want to avoid scrutiny.

“It is becoming crystal clear that the Premier and his government would prefer the parliament just went home,” she says.

Rather than doing that though, Ms Webb is also leading the charge in pushing for reform on other fronts.

A motion she moved to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 years was passed in the Legislative Council this week, which may not have any practical effect but will help to put more pressure on the government to consider the idea.

And it’s a conversation we should be having, partly at least due to the fact that the United Nations has recommended that 14 is the appropriate minimum age.

It’s a little unfair to Labor to suggest a single independent might be usurping its role as the opposition, but Ms Webb is highlighting the importance of having different voices in parliament. And, agree with her or not, she is playing a key role in holding the government to account.

 See more of Meg’s recent media.

See more on Pokies Reform