Media Release – Fin Fish Inquiry Report

May 24, 2022


Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said the tabling of Inquiry into Fin Fish Farming in Tasmania strongly encourages the State Government to ensure all future industry planning and regulation actively improves public confidence and builds the industry’s social licence.

“The Liberal State Government has been an enthusiastic promoter of the fish farming industry, it was evident the community felt it had fallen short in effectively regulating the industry to ensure the protection and stewardship of shared public waterways,” Ms Webb said.

“Evidence to the inquiry painted a clear picture of widespread community disquiet and a loss of community confidence in the regulation of the industry.

“The Inquiry Report makes it clear the community wants consideration of social, cultural, recreational and natural values to be at the heart of planning, regulation, promotion and growth of the fin fish farming industry in Tasmania.

“The inquiry heard when it comes to the use and protection of shared public waterways, there is an opportunity to set the bar much higher when it comes to accountable stewardship, transparent decision-making and community participation and input.”

Ms Webb said the Inquiry’s findings and recommendations strongly suggest that public confidence can be built through Tasmanians having a meaningful say in determining the place of this industry in the State’s environment, local communities and economic profile.

“We heard a clear message that a successful future for this industry in Tasmania will rest not just on what government does, but on how it does. The Inquiry Report provides plenty of food for thought and maps out clear, constructive opportunities going forward.”

Ms Webb  said the Report makes 194 findings and 68 recommendations, including for legislative reform, increased transparency, increased funding and independence for regulators, learning from other jurisdictions, and working with the industry’s willingness to adapt and innovate.


Attachment: Extract From Fin Fish Inquiry Report: Executive Summary

Full report available:


Sub-Committee Members: Meg Webb MLC, Rob Valentine MLC, Mike Gaffney MLC

Inquiry received 224 submissions and held 11 days of hearings.


Media Contact: A.Mark Thomas, M&M Communications, 0422 006 732