Government rejects Integrity Commission call on botched police surveillance incident

September 2, 2022

Matt Maloney | The Examiner | 2 September 2022

The Integrity Commission will not investigate a bungled police surveillance operation inside Risdon Prison as another independent inquiry has already been announced.

Nelson independent MLC Meg Webb on Thursday called for the government to refer a police operations breach to the commission.

The breach involved a secret recording of a meeting in 2017 between murderer Sue Neill-Fraser’s former lawyer and an inmate at Risdon Prison that became embroiled in the case.

It was later revealed one of the recording devices was not switched off after the meeting for two months.

Police Commissioner Darren Hine has said a review of the matter would be undertaken by former Solicitor-General Michael O’Farrell.

Ms Webb said while Mr O’Farrell was an eminent lawyer, he defended the actions of Tasmania Police in relation to the Sue Neill-Fraser case in 2017.

“The breach of privacy perpetrated by Tasmania Police occurred on this government’s watch, under warrants authorised and issued under legislation for which the Attorney-General is responsible,” she said.

“That is why I am calling on government to deliver true transparency and restore public confidence with an investigation by the Integrity Commission.”

Attorney-General Elise Archer said Mr O’Farrell was well-qualified to examine the matter and make findings on whether improvements in processes were needed.

Additionally, government minister Michael Ferguson on Thursday said it was not for parliamentarians to be making judgment on what the Integrity Commission chose to investigate through an own motion. “Quite properly, [Police Minister Felix Ellis], together with the commissioner, have taken a very appropriate and strong position on getting this matter reviewed, making sure that doesn’t happen again,” he said.

Integrity Commission chief executive Michael Easton said the commission did not duplicate work that was already being undertaken by a public authority.


See more of Meg in the media.