Governor’s Address in Reply extract – Elections

June 24, 2021

Governor’s Address in Reply | Elections Extract | 24 June , 2021   

Reflecting on the most important aspect of public confidence, the first matter I would like to turn to is the recent election.  This week I have tabled a motion to establish a joint select committee to inquire into the 2021 state election and 2021 Legislative Council elections and matters related thereto.  Elections are a fundamental right of the citizens of Tasmania.

It is vital that public confidence in the conduct of elections is maintained.  Parliament can and, indeed, must play a key role in maintaining that confidence.  In other jurisdictions this is undertaken through the routine practice of conducting a parliamentary review or inquiry after each election.  For example, the federal parliament has a Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters which undertakes a routine inquiry after each federal election.

Members from all parties, including the Government, participate freely and openly in that inquiry and as members of that committte.  The inquiry I propose will deliver a general review of the administration of the 2021 elections as distinct – I would point out – from the outcome of those elections which are not part of the inquiry.  It is in the public interest as an important opportunity to deliver increased public confidence and to strengthen our democracy and it should be a routine priority for this parliament to give this sort of matter due consideration.

We know that a range of serious and significant concerns have been raised by both political and community stakeholders about the recently held state elections.  These concerns have included, but are not limited to, the legitimacy of the rationale for calling an early election; concerns over breaches of the caretaker conventions; issues with the preselection and subsequent resignation of Adam Brooks in the seat of Braddon; concerns over potential voter disenfranchisement due to the apparent failure to provide Legislative Council ballot papers at all voting booths; and, of significance for this Chamber, numerous concerns with the appropriateness and the impact of holding concurrent elections with the state and Legislative Council elections run on the same day.  The only appropriate and accountable mechanism to examine the many concerns raised is a parliamentary inquiry with broad terms of reference, as I have proposed.  I believe it is important for our parliament to show leadership and accountability on this matter, given we have now experienced two state elections in a row that have given rise to community questions and concerns and have diminished Tasmanian citizens’ confidence in our democracy.

It is appropriate for the Fiftieth Parliament to examine the circumstances of its formation and to provide the Tasmanian people with confidence in the electoral process.  I hope to have the support of colleagues in this place to establish of a joint House select committee for this purpose. I look forward to speaking in more detail on this when we debate the motion.

Watch or read Meg’s complete Governor’s Address in Reply speech.


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