Human Rights

My Commitment

By acknowledging and protecting Tasmanians’ rights under the law, we are saying that as a democratic, equitable and inclusive society we believe in the dignity and worth of all people.

In 2007, we were first told by the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute that Tasmanians’ deserved to have their human rights formally protected by the law. We cannot afford anymore years of inaction, and the government must commit to introducing legislation for a Tasmanian Human Rights Act.

I am committed to ensuring this government prioritises introducing a Tasmanian Human Rights Act during this term of parliament.


We must have comprehensive human rights protections in Tasmania.

  • We need a Tasmanian Human Rights Act that protects human rights, develops a human rights culture across government, and frames parliamentary and community debate.
  • Adequate funding for oversight bodies which monitor human rights such as : The Custodial Inspector, TAS NPM, and Anti-Discrimination Commissioner.
  • Establish a framework to protect, promote and fulfil the rights of Tasmanians with disability, including the right to access services and drive greater inclusion in our state.
  • We must acknowledge the complexities surrounding intersectionality, and the need for an understanding of the impacts of intersectionality upon systemic disadvantage and barriers to full participation and equality.


Here as some successes I have achieved in parliament towards establishing a Tasmanian Human Rights Act:

  • In light of the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute’s (TLRI) A Charter of Human Rights for Tasmania? Update Report (released April 2024), I recently tabled a motion calling for the Tasmanian Government to introduce a Tasmanian Human Rights Act implementing the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute’s recommendations during this term of parliament, which was debated and passed in the Legislative Council  in November 2024.
  • In 2022, I tabled a motion calling on the government to commence consultation on a state Human Rights Act, which the Legislative Council voted in favour of, and can be read here.

The TLRI 2007 A Charter of Rights for Tasmania Report can be read here.

The 2024 TLRI A Charter of Human Rights for Tasmania? Update Report can be read here.