Letter to the Editor – Need for Activism Clear

March 17, 2021

Letter to the Editor | Mercury | March 17, 2021  

As submitted 

If ‘be grateful you’re not being shot by your government’ is the best response our Prime Minister can make to the massive and vocal March4Justice rallies, the urgent need for such activism is crystal clear.
Decades of hard-fought and slow-won achievement of basic rights and some level of equity has seen women beaten, imprisoned, starved, abused, raped, force-fed, demeaned, threatened, mutilated and, yes, killed. By their government, in institutions of government and with the approval of their government.
And despite the courage, strength, and persistent resistance of those women, my sisters, who fought for and won the rights and position I hold today, the universal reality for women in Australia is still a life lived with less opportunity, more disadvantage, less power and more fear than men.
How dare Scott Morrison tell me to be grateful I’m not being shot. How dare he.
This is gaslighting of the highest order. It is demeaning. It is threatening.”
No person making such a statement should hold any leadership position in this country, let alone the highest position in our federal government.”

Meg Webb MLC

Please note the letter published by the Mercury on 17 March 2021 was an edited version of the above.

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