Media Release: Breaking:- Vindication of Calls for Independent Review of Commission of Inquiry Unresolved Concerns

November 14, 2023

Breaking: Vindication of Calls for Independent Review of Commission of Inquiry Unresolved Concerns

As Premier Details Two further Independent Reviews

The Premier’s announcement of further rigorous independent examinations into the significant unresolved matters raised by the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Response to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings are welcome and long-overdue developments, said Independent Member for Nelson, Meg Webb, who has been driving the call for an independent and external review.

 “The Premier’s announced terms of reference for two independent inquiries are a vindication of the concerns raised by the community and myself over the last few weeks, as well as belated recognition for the need for real independent of government examination of the Commission of Inquiry’s concerns,” Ms Webb said.

“Previously I had asked why wouldn’t we hold an independent and external review into these serious outstanding matters, and clearly the government has run out of excuses.

“I have been calling consistently for an external person who has not been employed by the State government to be appointed as an independent reviewer of matters raised by the Commission, so I welcome the appointment of Australian Public Service Commissioner Peter Woolcott AO.

“The acknowledgement that matters raised in the Commission of Inquiry in relation to Heads of Agency, including previous Heads of Agency, also need to be examined by a person independent of government is a considerable and welcome breakthrough.  

“I also welcome confirmation that the reviewers can seek submissions, will consult with the former Commissioners and have access to the Commission’s documentation to inform their respective examinations.

“However, questions remain over whether both the reviewers will report direct to the parliament or not.

“It was timely to finally receive these welcome undertakings on National Survivors Day

Ms Webb said she would still take the opportunity to debate in the Upper House her original motion to establish an external independent review, to place on the public record the welcome measures as well as the remaining short-comings.

“It would appear the process of raising genuine concerns on the public record and refusing to back down has paid off, and I will continue to exercise that accountability,” Ms Webb said.

Text of Motion to be debated in the Legislative Council this afternoon:

I (Ms Webb) give Notice that tomorrow I shall move ¾

  1. That the Legislative Council notes that:

(a) statements by the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Response to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings that amendments made to the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1995, (the Act) in 2021 and the Government’s interpretation of the procedural fairness requirements in the Act, meant the Commission was unable to make some findings it might otherwise have made (see the Final Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Governments Response into Child Sexual Abuse in Institutions: Who was looking after me? Prioritising the safety of Tasmanian Children, Vol 1, 5.1, p.25); and

(b) the Commission issued 30 Section 18 notices to 22 persons (refer to the above-mentioned Final Report, Vol 2, 2.3.4, p.14), ultimately finalising only one finding of misconduct, resulting in a lack of clarity on which of the remaining potential findings of misconduct were abandoned or resolved.

2. Further, the Legislative Council calls upon the Government to establish an independent review to inquire into all interactions between the Tasmanian Government and the Commission of Inquiry in relation to:

(a) impediments identified and experienced by the Commission due to the interpretation and operation of the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1995, including amendments made to the Act in 2021; and

(b) all matters surrounding the issuing of the 30 section 18 notices to 22 persons, and reasons for the lack of finalisation of those processes by the Commission; and further

3. This Council agrees that such an independent review is to:

(a) be undertaken by a person, or persons, who has not been previously employed by the State of Tasmania; and

(b) have its report published upon finalisation, and tabled in the Parliament at the first available opportunity.