Media Release – Have Your Say In Reforming State Privacy Protections

May 2, 2023

Tasmania’s privacy laws have been described as a “fragmented landscape of protections under both legislation and general law” according to a recent Tasmania Law Reform Institute (TLRI) review.

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb, who referred the privacy laws review to the TLRI in 2019, said although the Issues Paper confirmed concerns that the state’s privacy laws do not provide comprehensive regulation or protections, key areas for reform have now been identified.

“This Issues Paper, undertaken by independent legal experts, has found Tasmania’s privacy laws contain ‘multiple gaps’ in operation, scope and enforcement, all of which risks jeopardising our privacy,” Ms Webb said.

“This review is a timely first step in plugging those gaps.

“Clearly current laws are not fit for purpose when considering the rapidly evolving digital information and cyber landscape.

“It is not just cyber attacks that raise concern, but also other digital innovations such as facial recognition technology, or even the recent COVID-19 Check-In Apps which raised serious concerns about personal data being misused by businesses or public authorities.”

Ms Webb urged Tasmanians to make submissions, due by July 11, 2023, to the TLRI Issues paper.

“I thank the TLRI for the work undertaken to provide this comprehensive Issues paper which presents a timely opportunity for all Tasmanians to share their experiences, concerns and ideas regarding the adequacy, or otherwise, of our current privacy protections.

“You do not need to be a legal expert to participate in this review, and submissions can be as detailed or as brief as people feel comfortable making.  It is important the TLRI hears a broad range of Tasmanians’ privacy experiences to ensure any future recommendations are as targeted as possible.

“I urge all interested Tasmanians to have their say in building a secure and safe privacy framework that provides real protections and is fit for purpose in the digital age.”


See more of Meg’s media releases.