Media Release: Independent Review of State Privacy Laws Urges Reforms

May 28, 2024

Independent Review of State Privacy Laws Urges Reforms

28 May 2024

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today welcomed the release of the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute’s Review of Privacy Laws in Tasmania Final Report, which identifies that the State’s existing privacy laws are not “adequately protective”.

Ms Webb proposed the original reference for a review of Tasmania’s privacy laws, which was accepted by the TLRI Board in December 2019.

“The TLRI’s Review of the State’s privacy laws confirms we currently do not have comprehensive privacy protections, which may shock some Tasmanians to discover,“ Ms Webb said.

“This report makes clear our main Personal Information Protection laws require reform in order to address the identified ‘multiple gaps in its scope, operation and enforcement that can jeopardise privacy’.

“Identified reforms include, consistency with national laws, recognition of people’s biometric data for privacy protection, strengthening parliamentary oversight over ministerial directions made under the privacy laws, strengthening consent provisions, and improved access for people wishing to access their personal information held by Government.”

Ms Webb also pointed to the synergy between the TLRI’s Privacy Review and its recent Human Rights Act report.

“I note the TLRI’s position that Tasmanians’ broad right to privacy would best be established under State Human Rights laws. We need to act on both in a consistent and coherent manner.

“We know our laws are already struggling to keep up with cyber and technological changes, so it is essential that the government does not sit on this latest important piece of work, but commits to acting on the report’s 63 recommendations swiftly.

“I thank the TLRI and the report author Dr Yvette Maker, for all their work undertaken to bring this significant Privacy laws report to fruition.”

The Review of Privacy Laws in Tasmania, Final Report No. 33,Tasmanian Law Reform Institute, May 2024, can be viewed on the TLRI website:

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