Media Release – Joint Select Committee Debate
Media Release | June 29, 2021
Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said the motion for a Joint Select Committee into the 2021 State Elections will be debated today, Tuesday, June 29, in the Legislative Council.
Ms Webb said in most Australian industries, regularly reviewing processes was standard practice.
“Politics should be no different – that’s the way you identify issues and opportunities, learn lessons and drive improvement.
“Tasmanians deserve no less when it comes to maintaining our democracy in the best shape possible.”
Ms Webb said the Terms of Reference for the Joint Select Committee are broad and open: “to inquire into all aspects of the conduct of the 2021 state election and 2021 Legislative Council elections and matters related thereto.”
“This is modelled on terms of reference in the routine Federal Parliament election inquiries.
“This tasks the Committee with a general review of the administration and conduct of the recent elections, not a review of their outcomes.
“It is in the public interest to strengthen our democracy and should be a matter of routine priority, just as it is in the Federal Parliament.”
Ms Webb said at the Commonwealth level, Federal Labor and Liberal MPs participate in the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, holding inquiries into the conduct of all Federal elections as a matter of course.
“This should be a no-brainer for all Tasmanian Parliamentarians to support.
“There is no reason to baulk at this proposal, unless you prefer your democracy under the cloud of unresolved questions and are happy to see public confidence continue to plummet when it come to the governance of Tasmania.
“A committee involving both Houses of Parliament, with fair and equitable representation of all sides of politics and independents, is the most appropriate way to conduct this inquiry.”
Read Meg’s Motion calling for a Joint Select Committee