Media Release – Joint Select Committee Supported

June 30, 2021

Media Release |  June 30, 2021

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said the Motion to establish a Joint Select Committee, with a broad terms of reference to inquire into the conduct of the 2021 elections, passed the Upper House 8-3 today.

“Support for this motion, is a win for accountability, transparency and a demonstrates a willingness to strengthen our democratic institutions” Ms Webb said.

“It was particularly significant that all Independent Members voted in support of the motion, as well as the Labor Members of the Legislative Council.

“This Motion squarely prioritises the public interest over political self-interest.”

Ms Webb said the Tasmanian community deserves to have confidence in electoral processes and to know that their Parliament is proactively working to deliver that confidence.

“This Committee, if supported in the Lower House, will provide a forum for people to have a voice – through asking questions, raising concerns and providing evidence.

“The Gutwein Liberal Government now has the opportunity to ‘walk the walk and talk the talk’ on accountability and transparency.

“I would hope it will be willing to participate in the Joint Select Committee rather than block this standard Parliamentary process.

“Governments of all political stripes in other states and in our Federal Parliament support and participate in similar routine election reviews.

“This motion asks all Members of Parliament to put partisan tribalism aside, and instead don the one set of colours that is Tasmania’s democracy.”

Read Meg’s Motion calling for a Joint Select Committee