Media Release – Missed Cabinet Opportunity

February 17, 2022

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said today the latest Liberal Government Cabinet reshuffle was a missed opportunity to demonstrate the State’s commitment to prioritising the flagged Truth-Telling Commission and Treaty process with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community.

“The landmark Warner, McCormack and Kurnadi Pathway to Truth-Telling and Treaty Report to the Premier emphasises the importance of a Whole-of-Government approach moving forward,” Ms Webb said.

“Potentially, Premier Peter Gutwein could have taken this Cabinet reshuffle opportunity to demonstrate that commitment.

“The known intergenerational trauma inflicted upon Tasmanian Aboriginals and the necessary leadership required from all tiers of our community to move forward while addressing past wrongs meaningfully, requires the gravitas the office of Premier would provide by taking on responsibility for the Aboriginal Affairs portfolio.

“I congratulate Nic Street on his new ministerial role and wish him well, as I do with all Cabinet members as we move through these challenging times.

“However, it is disappointing this opportunity to highlight the necessary leadership in driving genuine truth-telling and reconciliation has been missed.”

Ms Webb said the last time the office of Premier held the vitally important Aboriginal Affairs portfolio was in 2020 under Will Hodgman.

“I would also point to the serious implications for the health and capacity of Parliament raised by the new Ministry.

“This latest reshuffle again highlights serious concerns regarding the consequences of the Assembly cut in numbers.

“Out of the current 16 Liberal MPs, 15 of them hold ministerial portfolio or other parliamentary roles.

“While nearly all government MPs get a prize, the electorate is deprived of a viable and functioning backbench working on their behalf.”




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