Media Release: Move to Establish Joint House Electoral Matters Committee

May 21, 2024

Move to Establish an Electoral Matters Parliamentary Committee

21 May 2024

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today moved to establish a Joint House Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, similar to those operating nationally.

“My proposal will provide for routine post-election examination of the administration of polls and identify both areas which are functioning well and others that may require improvement,” Ms Webb said.

“The Commonwealth, NSW and Victoria have established their own Electoral Matters committees. This is my attempt to ensure Tasmania also invests in the robustness of our democratic free and fair electoral systems, in a systematic, open and transparent manner.

“These routine election reviews may or may not identify specific issues or problems with any particular poll, but they provide the opportunity to canvass, consult and make constructive recommendations intended to improve our vital democratic institutions, publicly and transparently.

“Potential areas that a Joint House Electoral Matters committee may consider, include appropriate accessible voting reforms for those with a visual impairment, for example, how to best tackle informal voting rates, and social media impacts on elections.”

Ms Webb emphasised that any inquiries established by an Electoral Committee would not seek to undermine the vote count or result of any particular election.

“I look forward to bringing on for debate my motion to establish this important parliamentary mechanism to add robustness to our democratic electoral system at the earliest possible opportunity,” Ms Webb said.

Text of Motion tabled today by the Hon. Meg Webb MLC:

  1. That a Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, be appointed for the term of the 51st Parliament with power to send for persons and papers, with leave to sit during any adjournment of either House and with leave to adjourn from place to place to inquire into and  report upon —

           (a) Such matters as may be referred to it by either House of the Parliament or a Minister, or established by the Committee’s own motion that relate to:  

                       (i) the Electoral Act 2004;

                       (ii) the Electoral Disclosure and Funding Act 2023;

                       (iii) provisions of the Constitution Act 1934 that relate to the procedures for, and conduct of, elections for members of the House of Assembly and the Legislative Council; and

                       (iv) the administration, operation, and practices associated with, the aforementioned electoral laws, and any other law relating to electoral matters; and

          (b) Any Bill relating to the electoral laws referred to in paragraph 1(a) and any other law relating to electoral matters as may be referred to it by either House of Parliament or a Minister.

   2. Any aspects of the administration, operation and conduct of the 23 March 2024 General Election of Members of the Assembly and the 2024 Legislative Council periodic elections, shall stand referred to the Committee for any inquiry the Committee may wish to make;

   3. The Committee shall report on the outcome of any such inquiry pursuant to paragraph (2) within 18 months of the date of this Resolution being agreed to by both Houses;

   4. Notice of any own motion Inquiry shall be reported to both Houses within two (2) sitting days of the Committee’s Resolution; and

   5. That the number of Members to serve on the said Committee on the part of the Legislative Council be four.

View Ms Webb’s Background Briefing Paper on the Proposed Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters below or here: