Media Release: Moves to Progress Tasmanian Human Rights Act: While Rockliff Government Remains Silent on TLRI Report’s Recommendations

August 15, 2024

Moves to Progress Tasmanian Human Rights Act

While Rockliff Government Remains Silent on TLRI Report’s Recommendations

Thursday, 15 August 2024

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today tabled a motion calling for the Tasmanian Government to introduce a Tasmanian Human Rights Act during this term of parliament, in light of the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute’s (TLRI) A Charter of Human Rights for Tasmania? Update Report (released April 2024).

“The Rockliff Government has been conspicuously silent on the TLRI’s recent report which recommended the enactment of a Tasmanian Charter of Human Rights or a Human Rights Act, since its release at the end of April this year,Ms Webb said.

“I am calling on the Government to commit to the introduction of a Tasmanian Human Rights Act during this term of Parliament that complies with the recommendations made by the TLRI in both of its 2007 and 2024 reports.

“It has been 17 years since the TLRI experts first recommended in 2007 Tasmania should legislate a Human Rights Charter. The recent TLRI Update report repeats that call.”

Ms Webb said the latest report explicitly emphasises the need for the protection of Tasmanians’ rights to adequate housing, to a healthy environment, amongst a range of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. 

“Yet still the government remains silent. We cannot afford another 17 years of inaction. We need to move to protect Tasmanians’ human rights and develop a human rights culture across government.”

Ms Webb pointed out the ACT legislated its Human Rights Act in 2004, Victoria introduced its state legislation in 2006, with Queensland legislating its Act in 2019.


Read below text of Meg’s Motion tabled today, or as a pdf file here:

That the Legislative Council:-

  1. Notes the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute (TLRI) A Charter of Human Rights for Tasmania Update report, which was released on 30 April 2024;
  2. Recognises the report provides an update on the TLRI’s initial A Charter of Human Rights for Tasmania Final Report released in 2007;
  3. Notes the TLRI 2024 Update report’s recommendation, “that the laws in Tasmania be reformed to provide and promote specific, better, and accessible protection for human rights through the enactment of a Tasmanian Charter of Human Rights or a Human Rights Act,” which is consistent with Recommendations 1 and 2 of the 2007 Final Report;
  4. Further notes the TLRI 2024 Update report provides a total of 21 Recommendations;
  5. That the Legislative Council calls on the Tasmanian Government to:

a) commence drafting a Bill for a Tasmanian Human Rights Act in accordance with both the TLRI’s 2007 Final Report and 2024 Update report; and

b) commit to the introduction of a Bill for a Tasmanian Human Rights Act during the term of this Parliament.

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