Media Release – New Premier Provides Opportunity for New Culture of Respect

April 8, 2022

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said Jeremy Rockliff’s appointment as Tasmania’s new Premier, offers an opportunity for a new inclusive and respectful culture to be adopted by government.

“I congratulate Jeremy Rockliff on his appointment as Tasmania’s Premier and welcome this opportunity for the Liberal Government to reset its relationship with the broader Parliament and community,” Ms Webb said.

“Sadly, we’ve seen government become increasingly arrogant, autocratic and dismissive of dissenting voices, the role of the Legislative Council and the broader Parliament.

“Too often Parliament has been marginalised and reduced to a mere rubber-stamp for executive government, which erodes public trust and confidence in our democratic systems.”

Ms Webb said the Government has previously displayed an avoidance of accountability measures, refusal to provide answers, denial of public interest information and the blocking of Joint Parliamentary inquiries have become standard government practice.

“As the new Premier, Mr Rockliff now has the responsibility to change the tone of government, and to replace glass-jawed defensiveness with positive and open leadership.

“This is an opportunity for him to create a legacy of respect and integrity for our democracy, starting with a commitment to finalise state political donation reform as a key priority this year.

“I wish Mr Rockliff, his Deputy Mr Ferguson and their team well.

“I encourage them to work constructively with all members of Parliament on behalf of all Tasmanians as we face these continuing challenging times.”