Media Release: Opportunity to have a Say on Proposed new Pokies Player Card

September 20, 2024

Opportunity to have a Say on Proposed new Pokies Player Card

Friday, 20 September 2024

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today called for people impacted by pokies to have their say on the new mandatory pokies player card proposal which is currently open for public consultation.

“The most recent available monthly pokies losses for July this year saw Tasmanians lose a whopping $16,724,879 in one month alone,” Ms Webb said.

“For the 2023-24 financial year, pokies losses from Tasmanians were over $186 million.

“The evidence tells us that around half of all losses to pokies come from people who are addicted and experiencing harm.

“A pokies card will be the most effective gambling harm reduction measure ever introduced in this state, and will play an enormous role in reducing the potential for catastrophic harm for individuals, their families, workplaces and the broader community.

“Those affected by pokies, or know someone affected, now have an opportunity to have a say on this potentially transformative reform.”

The Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission has released a public consultation paper calling for input on the proposed new mandatory pokies player card and cashless gaming model, with submissions due by Friday, October 18.

“It is very important for those designing the new pokies player card and cashless gaming system to hear from the lived experience of those battling the ramifications of pokies addiction, whether as individuals or within the sector to ensure it is as effective as possible,” Ms Webb said.

“We know the Commission will be hearing from industry interests. They must also hear from the community who see and live with the very real pokies fallout.

“High losses to pokies during the current cost of living crisis will be having an even more devastating impact on Tasmanian families, as they struggle to cover basic daily expenses.

“We are seeing the ripple effect of pokies addiction in our community, impacting family, friends, workplaces, and increasing family breakdown, homelessness, and pressure on our health and criminal justice systems.

“While not a silver bullet on its own, the proposed new pokies card and cashless gaming model provides the first real and effective plan to stem the millions of dollars in monthly losses, and provide a potential circuit breaker to encourage behavioural change.”

Ms Webb urged Tasmanians to seize this opportunity, engage with the Consultation Paper and have their say.

Ms Webb has released a Submission Guide to the Public Consultation Paper, which is available on her website here or see links below.

Download Meg’s Submission Guide to the Player Card and Cashless Gaming Consultation Paper here, or view it as a pdf below.