Media Release – Parliament Calls for Progress on State Human Rights Act

November 22, 2022

The Legislative Council today voted to support progressing a Tasmanian Human Rights Act, as proposed by Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb.

“It is a fitting commemoration of the upcoming International Human Rights Day next month for the Legislative Council to vote to request the Government’s consider commencing a Tasmanian Human Rights Act process,” Ms Webb said.

“This vote recognises that my rights, your rights, our rights matter.

“Next year will see the 75th anniversary of the historic signing of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948, and Tasmanians from all walks of life have taken up the UN’s call that such a milestone be celebrated by governments moving to improve human rights protection.”

Ms Webb said action on a Tasmanian Human Rights Act was not an ambit claim by the many individuals and community organisations who have consistently campaigned for this important law reform for decades.

“In 2007, the widely-respected Tasmanian Law Reform Institute released its A Charter of Rights for Tasmania report which stated that state recognition and protection of human rights were “fragmented and incomplete”, and recommended that a Human Rights Act be implemented. Yet 15 years later we are still waiting.

“The ACT, Victoria and Queensland have all seen fit to provide legislated protections for their communities’ human rights, and which have been shown to provide concrete improvements for access to education, health care, housing, and disability support for example.

“I thank my Upper House colleagues for supporting this motion on behalf of all Tasmanians.”

Ms Webb said while it is disappointing the Rockliff Government failed to support the motion on the eve of next month’s International Human Rights Day, the Legislative Council message will be delivered to the Government which will not be able to avoid forever community calls for legislation to protect our human rights.

“This Saturday, November 26, at 2pm there will be a rally on the Parliament House Lawns to both commemorate International Human Rights Day and reiterate calls for the implementation of a Tasmanian Human Rights Act.

“The rally has been organised by a coalition of groups and individuals, the Alliance for a Tasmanian Human Rights Act (ATHRA), #HumanRights4Tasmania.”

Text of Motion moved by Meg Webb MLC and supported by the Legislative Council:

That the Legislative Council:

(1) Notes that International Human Rights Day is observed every 10th of December, the date on which the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 formally adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which proclaims the inalienable rights to which every person is entitled;
(2) notes that 2023 will be the 75th Anniversary of the milestone Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
(3) acknowledges the long-standing community call for a Tasmanian Human Rights Act;
(4) recognises that the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute (TLRI), following extensive public consultation, recommended in 2007 that Tasmania introduce a Human Rights Act, and that the TLRI is currently finalising an updated report;
(5) notes that Victoria, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory have implemented Human Rights Acts;
(6) welcomes the recent Ministerial Statement made by the Premier, the Honourable Jeremy Rockliff MP, on the 16th August 2022, asserting the safety of children and young people are “fundamental human rights”, and also the Premier’s media statement of 26 September 2022 recognising housing as a “basic human right”;
(7) welcomes the recent formation of the grassroots Alliance for a Tasmanian Human Rights Act (ATHRA), arising from a forum held in June this year which was hosted by Equal Opportunity Tasmania and sponsored by the Attorney-General;
(8) congratulates this new grassroots alliance for their work, including a rally to be held on Saturday the 26th of November, to both celebrate International Human Rights Day while highlighting that it’s time for a Human Rights Act in Tasmania; and
(9) urges the government to consider marking the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by initiating consultation on a Human Rights Act for Tasmania.