Media Release: Premier Betrays Tasmanians over Promised Pokies Card

November 19, 2024

Premier Betrays Tasmanians over Promised Pokies Card

The Premier, Jeremy Rockliff today stands condemned for betraying the Tasmanian community and breaking an election promise by abandoning the nation-leading evidence-based mandatory poker machine pre-commitment card, according to Independent Member for Nelson, Meg Webb MLC.

“This is a shameful, cowardly and blatant betrayal of Tasmanians by Jeremy Rockliff, particularly those impacted from pokies related harm,” Ms Webb said.

“The only winner here is the rapacious pokies industry and gaming lobby.”

“Tasmania’s nation leading evidence based mandatory pokies pre-commitment card was recommended by independent bodies such as the Productivity Commission, and the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission.

“These independent entities recommended this genuine harm minimisation measure on the basis of evidence that the mandatory pre-commitment card would save lives.

“How do you pretend to balance lives already damaged and the risk of future damage, with increased profits for vested interests?

“The pokies industry has hit a double- jackpot with this backflip by the Premier.

“As detailed by former Treasurer Michael Ferguson in his opinion piece earlier this month, the majority of licensed venues’ gaming profits were up between 40 and 60 per cent in December last year alone, since the introduction of the current licensing arrangements. 

“Further, the mandatory pokies card did not impinge on anyone’s choice but as reiterated by Mr Ferguson, the promised card is ‘pro-freedom to play, pro-family and pro-business’.

“The Premier is wrong when he states today’s craven backflip is in line with the election policy released on the 16th of February, which clearly stated a mandatory precommitment card would be implemented as soon as practicable.

“The independent TLGC has been working on developing the mandatory pokies card since 2022, and is on track to implement it by December 2025.

“The Government release appears to also be a sleight of hand, substituting responsibility for pokies harm minimisation from the Minister for Communities to the Minister for Hospitality.

“Harm minimisation measures must be informed by and developed in partnership with those delivering gambling support services and those with lived experience of poker machine addiction – to sideline those experts in favour of a cosy arrangement between industry and its cheerleading Minister is a telling indication of who is in charge in this state.

“Premier Rockliff clearly does not have the integrity nor backbone to withstand the pressure of the Tasmanian gaming industry as warned by former Treasurer Ferguson.

“Today has seen a disgraceful display of a government thoroughly captured by the pokies industry,”  Ms Webb said.