Media Release: Premier Must Back in Pokies pre-Commitment Card Reforms Currently Underway

October 16, 2024

Premier Must Back in Pokies Pre-Commitment Card Reforms Currently Underway

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said today Premier Jeremy Rockliff must guarantee the implementation of the pokies mandatory pre-commitment card after the departure of former Treasurer Michael Ferguson from Cabinet, who had championed the reforms.

“I have written to the Premier requesting he backs the promised pokies pre-commitment card reforms as a matter of urgency,” Ms Webb said.

“A Cabinet in flux cannot be allowed to undermine the progress and integrity of these long-awaited and important reforms.

“The universal pokies pre-commitment card reform will be the single most effective pokies harm minimisation initiative in the history of our state.  So effective, in fact, we know the gaming industry actively lobbied Government to drop these important reforms.

“A Cabinet reshuffle presents a potential new Minister, and for the gaming lobby potentially a new opportunity, to protect their addiction-derived income by having these significant reforms scrapped.”

Ms Webb said the commitment made by then-Treasurer Michael Ferguson in 2022 was the first time Tasmania has seen a State Government seek to deliver evidence-based measures which would genuinely tackle harm caused by pokies addiction.

“The timely implementation of the promised pre-commitment card reforms would see Tasmania lead the nation when it comes to delivering real pokies harm minimisation measures and meaningful consumer protections.

“Yet the implementation stages are still underway and could be vulnerable to deliberate disruption by opportunistic vested interests.

“Government data reveals Tasmanians lost more than $186 million on the pokies over the 2023-24 financial year.  Long-standing evidence tells us around half of all pokies’ losses come from those addicted and experiencing harm.

“It is imperative the Premier immediately reiterates his personal and Government’s commitment to delivering the pokies pre-commitment card promise, no matter who holds the Treasury and Finance reins.”

Ms Webb also urged anyone who may wish to comment on the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission’s Public Consultation Paper – Player Card and Cashless Gaming, to do so before the community submission period closes at 5pm, Friday October 18

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